Arc rotate camera properties

interface ArcRotateCameraProperty {
    alphaInDegrees?: number;
    angularSensibilityX?: number;
    angularSensibilityY?: number;
    animationDuration?: number;
    attachControl?: boolean;
    autoRotationBehavior?: {
        enabled?: boolean;
        idleRotationSpeed?: number;
        idleRotationSpinupTime?: number;
        idleRotationWaitTime?: number;
        zoomStopsAnimation?: boolean;
    betaInDegrees?: number;
    cameraAnimationConfig?: CameraAnimationConfig;
    enable?: boolean;
    fovInDegrees?: number;
    framingBehavior?: {
        enabled?: boolean;
        framingTime?: number;
        radiusScale?: number;
    inertia?: number;
    lowerAlphaLimitInDegrees?: number;
    lowerBetaLimitInDegrees?: number;
    lowerRadiusLimit?: number;
    maxZ?: number;
    minimizeRotation?: boolean;
    minZ?: number;
    panningInertia?: number;
    panningSensibility?: number;
    pinchDeltaPercentage?: number;
    pinchPrecision?: number;
    radius?: number;
    speed?: number;
    target?: Vector3;
    type: "arcRotateCamera";
    upperAlphaLimitInDegrees?: number;
    upperBetaLimitInDegrees?: number;
    upperRadiusLimit?: number;
    wheelDeltaPercentage?: number;
    wheelPrecision?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


alphaInDegrees?: number

Defines the rotation angle of the camera along the longitudinal axis in Degrees

angularSensibilityX?: number

Control the pointer angular sensibility along the X axis or how fast is the camera rotating

angularSensibilityY?: number

Control the pointer angular sensibility along the Y axis or how fast is the camera rotating

animationDuration?: number

The amount of time (in seconds) to carry out the animation. 0 means no animation enabled.

attachControl?: boolean

Whether to attach the input controls to a specific dom element to get the input from

autoRotationBehavior?: {
    enabled?: boolean;
    idleRotationSpeed?: number;
    idleRotationSpinupTime?: number;
    idleRotationWaitTime?: number;
    zoomStopsAnimation?: boolean;

Defines a smooth rotation of an ArcRotateCamera when there is no user interaction

Type declaration

  • Optionalenabled?: boolean

    Whether to enable ArcRotation camera's autoRotation behavior

  • OptionalidleRotationSpeed?: number

    Speed at which the camera rotates around the mesh

  • OptionalidleRotationSpinupTime?: number

    Time (milliseconds) to take to spin up to the full idle rotation speed

  • OptionalidleRotationWaitTime?: number

    Time (in milliseconds) to wait after user interaction before the camera starts rotating

  • OptionalzoomStopsAnimation?: boolean

    Flag that indicates if user zooming should stop animation

betaInDegrees?: number

Defines the rotation angle of the camera along the latitudinal axis in Degrees

cameraAnimationConfig?: CameraAnimationConfig

The Camera Animation Configuration groups the different settings used to define the camera animation behavior

enable?: boolean

Whether to enable the camera

fovInDegrees?: number

Field Of View set in Degrees

45.84 (i.e. 0.8 in Radians)
framingBehavior?: {
    enabled?: boolean;
    framingTime?: number;
    radiusScale?: number;

Defines framingBehavior of an ArcRotateCamera. Must be configured before loading models.

Type declaration

  • Optionalenabled?: boolean

    Whether to enable ArcRotation camera's framing behavior

  • OptionalframingTime?: number

    Define the transition time when framing the mesh, in milliseconds

  • OptionalradiusScale?: number

    Define the scale applied to the radius

inertia?: number

Define the overall inertia of the camera. This helps to give a smooth feeling to the camera movement.

lowerAlphaLimitInDegrees?: number

Minimum allowed angle on the longitudinal axis in Degrees. This can help limiting how the Camera is able to move in the scene.

lowerBetaLimitInDegrees?: number

Minimum allowed angle on the latitudinal axis in Degrees. This can help limiting how the Camera is able to move in the scene.

0.573 (i.e. 0.01 in Radians)
lowerRadiusLimit?: number

Minimum allowed distance of the camera to the target (The camera can not get closer). This can help limiting how the Camera is able to move in the scene.

maxZ?: number

Define the maximum distance the camera can see to

minimizeRotation?: boolean

Minimize the amount of rotation animation on arcCamera's 'alpha' and 'beta' keys.

For alpha and beta values, we want to minimize the amount of rotation in the animation. User interactions can cause the alpha and beta to be arbitrarily large or small and thus cause the camera to spin around an unpredictable amount to reach the desired alpha and beta. We can avoid this by animating to the current alpha(or beta) + the delta angle between the current and desired alphas and betas

minZ?: number

Define the minimum distance the camera can see from @default: 1

panningInertia?: number

Defines the value of the inertia used during panning. 0 would mean stop inertia and one would mean no deceleration at all.

panningSensibility?: number

Control the pointer panning sensibility or how fast is the camera moving

pinchDeltaPercentage?: number

Control how fast is the camera zooming. The higher, the faster. It will be used instead of pinchPrecision if different from 0. It defines the percentage of current radius to use as delta when pinch zoom is used.

pinchPrecision?: number

Control how fast is the camera zooming. The lower, the faster.

radius?: number

Defines the radius of the camera from it s target point

speed?: number

Define the current speed of the camera

target?: Vector3

Defines the target point of the camera. The camera looks towards it form the radius distance.


Type must be 'arcRotateCamera'

upperAlphaLimitInDegrees?: number

Maximum allowed angle on the longitudinal axis in Degrees. This can help limiting how the Camera is able to move in the scene.

upperBetaLimitInDegrees?: number

Maximum allowed angle on the latitudinal axis in Degrees. This can help limiting how the Camera is able to move in the scene.

179.6 (i.e. 3.1316 in Radians)
upperRadiusLimit?: number

Maximum allowed distance of the camera to the target (The camera can not get further). This can help limiting how the Camera is able to move in the scene.

wheelDeltaPercentage?: number

Control how fast is the camera zooming. The higher, the faster. It will be used instead of wheelPrecision if different from 0. It defines the percentage of current radius to use as delta when wheel zoom is used.

wheelPrecision?: number

Control how fast is the camera zooming. The lower, the faster.